Presentation of the Business Climate Survey France 2020



Thursday 17th of September at 17:30
In the presence of H.E. Håkan Åkesson, Ambassador of Sweden to France

Team Sweden in France is happy to invite you to the webinar –
Presentation of the Business Climate Survey France 2020

The Business Climate Survey is a new global Team Sweden project created by a unique partnership between Business Sweden and Swedish Chambers International concluded in 2019.

The survey is an important tool to map the opportunities and challenges facing Swedish companies doing business abroad.

This year the Business Climate Survey has been conducted in over 20 countries worldwide and we are pleased to present the French report and share the views of leading Swedish company representatives in France at our webinar.

France is the 6th largest economy in the world and has historically been an important trading partner to Sweden. The economic relationship between our countries keeps growing.

How are the Swedish companies participating in our survey experiencing the French business climate?

The report and ensuing discussions will provide insights about the economic outlook, key facts about the market and Swedish company performances in France.


H.E. Håkan ÅKESSON, Ambassador of Sweden to France

Gîta PATERSON, Chairman Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France

Presentation of the results
Annika STÅL, Trade and Invest Commissioner & Country Manager France, Business Sweden

Panel discussion
Marie-Claire BOSLOWSKY, President of Essity in France &
Vice-President Health & Medical Solutions Europe South
Yara CHAKHTOURA, Managing Director, Vattenfall Eolien SAS
Walter KADNAR, CEO & CSO Ikea France
Pierre PERRON, President & CEO Electrolux France

Katarina LÖÖF, Managing Director, Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France

Open discussion


Register here











































































































Start: 1970-01-01 00:00
Slutar: 9200-03-14 16:00


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