Webinar: Working from home sucessfully – New Digital Processes & Systems

Monday 6th of April at 11am
Corona has rapidly changed the way employees and companies are working. While remote working and video conferencing had already been a part of the daily work before, traditional meetings and collaboration used to be a major part of most offices. Suddenly now employees are forced to work entirely remotely. With this come new additional challenges for staff and their leaders: How can working from home be organized successfully? How can processes quickly be transformed to the digital sphere?
Thomas Streveld from Mercuri Urval shares input about how to efficiently work in a remote office and opens a forum to discuss members‘ experience with this new virtual working life.
In partnership with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the UK, Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands, Schwedische Handelskammer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce
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Start: 1970-01-01 00:00
Slutar: 1970-01-01 00:00